Q. Where did you find inspiration to write your first book, The Nodders?

During the beginning of the Pandemic in 2020, I was very bored like so many of us being stuck at home. Spring cleaning is not my favorite thing to do! A friend who knew of my desire to write a Napping Book called and asked it I had written it yet. I said, "No, but I will!"...I hung up the phone and began to write. 

Q. This method to get children to nap has been proved through three generations of your 
family - why do you feel like it’s continued to be successful?

 As a child, my mother told me a story about a Nap Fairy who would bring a treat if I took a nap. I used her technique with my children who loved to nap in order to receive a treat. I think most children love a story filled with fun and fantasy. This is a great incentive to get children to nap. When successful it is a win win for everyone...parents or caregivers are given the gift of time to themselves.

Q. For some children, bedtime at night is a breeze, but naptime is the last thing they want to do. Why do you think so many children resist taking a nap?
I find that active children are often afraid they will miss out on something exciting if they take a nap. Other are simply strong willed and resistant to sleeping. Providing a small reward for taking a nap seems to be the solution.

Q. What are some key benefits for children when they nap?
Research shows:
1. Naps are important for mental and physical growth.
2. When children get overly tired, parents will often see their moods change and find their child has a harder time going to bed in the evening.
3. Physicians recommend young children up to 5 take a nap. My grandson napped til 7... I think mainly for the treats! 

Q. Briefly tell the story of The Nodders and how they encourage children to nap.

The Nodders are unique creatures with curlicue tuners who can hear children talking around the world. When children say they don't want to nap, the Nodders are stuck in their beds and can't play. Thank goodness, Old Nonny Nodder came up with a plan to encourage children to nap. It was announced: Any child that goes to sleep will wake to a Nodder Treat, found in the NapPouch hanging on their door. 

Q. We love the idea of the NapPouch! What types of treats do you recommend grown-ups 
leaving in those?
There are many options and variety is a great way to go. You can provide healthy treats, a few sweets, trinkets or a note for a special outing. Something different every day! I have a blog post with many wonderful options to place in the NapPouch.

Q. What do you hope grown-ups and children take away from this book?

As an elementary educator, I understood the importance of reading which helps develops a child's vocabulary by naming objects, animals, shapes and colors in any book.

This book can be read over and over. It isn't just a napping book! Parents can use this book as a teaching resource with the many colors, shapes, objects and animals to promote early learning. Reading also increases a child's imagination. Have fun reading this book. Be animated as you read by making funny sounds and changing your voice with the different characters in the story. Little ones will giggle and learn when we make it fun!

Q. Where can readers connect with you online?
A. Just send an email to: hello@thenodders.com
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