This review is my favorite as the Book Reviewer is 7 years old

ReadersViews has a kids team that consists of volunteer reviewers ranging in ages from 3 to 18 and they take reading and reviewing books seriously! The early readers get assistance from their parents,  and the young readers   work on their own with some assistance from the parents.

       The Nodders: What! You Don’t Want to Nap?
       Reviewed by Lydia (age 7) for Reader Views Kids (12/2021)

“The Nodders” is a story about some little creatures who live in a place that’s hard to find by humans. The path to their home (which happens to be in a tree) is very pretty, with flowers and green grass. The Nodders are like kids; they like to play games, and are funny and kind. The Nodders are special because they have ears that can hear a long way away, and they hear things that human kids say. The Nodders like to sleep and dream, but sometimes they do that too much because they have to sleep when kids are awake, and don’t get to wake up until kids fall asleep! Kids kind of control the Nodders when they won’t take a nap, because then the Nodders can’t wake up and do what they need or want to do. One of the Nodders produces a plan to reward kids when they take a nap by leaving something in their NapPouch! Now the Nodders get to be awake more and kids get more goodies!

“The Nodders” is a fun book to read because I know it’s made up, but if I were to start getting goodies in a NapPouch, then I might take more naps! Also, my mom showed me how I can make my own NapPouch to hang from my door to get goodies! I don’t take naps too much anymore since I am older, but my brother is younger, and he might get more things from the Nodders if he would take more naps. I liked looking at the pictures in the book because they are big and full of color. I liked that I could read the book on my own because there aren’t too many words on each page. Kids of any age will like this book!

Note from Mom: “The Nodders” is ranked up there (highly) with “Five Funny Tummy Men” by Jean Reed as being delightful books for kids that are completely made up, but encourage kids to engage in healthy behaviors (sleeping enough, eating healthy foods). It is also one that my kids love to read and talk about afterward. “The Nodders” is a terrific book for parents with kids who may need that extra motivation to take naps so parents can keep their sanity. The illustrations are calming and show the Nodders as cute and cuddly creatures’ kids will want to have visit their NapPouch! Another cute addition is the fact that the dust jacket can be folded into a NapPouch. It also comes with instructions on how to use anything similar to create one. Therefore, you have no excuse (except maybe psychological reasons) for your little ones to not get the rest they need and deserve after a morning of hard playing, followed by an afternoon/evening of more of the same. Enjoy!



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