

Nodder inventory is getting low! Purchase the award winning book and receive a free Nodder thru the month on June!

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Developing Your Toddler's Fine Motor Skills

 Fine motor skills help our toddlers be able to take care of themselves! It also allows them to get into more things...such as cabinets! It is important for us to help them develop fine motor skills...

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What's up with The Nodders!

If you haven't subscribed to the Nodders please do so today.The Nodders Book has had an award winning year, receiving The Mom's Choice Award, 7 gold, silver and bronze awards from Independent Book Publishing Awards, including the Gold Benjamin Franklin Award.

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Tina's Parenting Secret

She Has Your New Parenting Secret Tina Huggins has discovered the secret to getting children to nap ... and she's sharing it in her sweet new book, "The Nodders."

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THE NODDERS Are Now Mobile!

When you head out for a vacation do you ever wonder how in the world you were going to get your toddler to take a nap, so you can read your book! Your worries are over, head over to AmazonKindle and purchase THE NODDERS for a Kindle and iPad.

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A 5 Star Review From ReaderViews Kids

Lydia says: The Nodders are like kids; they like to play games, and are funny and kind. The Nodders are special because they have ears that can hear a long way away, and they hear things that human kids say.. “The Nodders” is a fun book to read because I know it’s made up, but if I were to start getting goodies in a NapPouch, then I might take more naps! Also, my mom showed me how I can make my own NapPouch to hang from my door to get goodies!

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Child Refuses to Nap?

Are you a parent, grandparent or caregiver of a child who doesn't want to take a nap? I know just how you feel. My three children were each twenty months apart from one another; there was always one who didn't want to nap. Just when one would get to sleep, another one would wake up when the dog barked or the phone rang. In the beginning, I found naptime to be the most challenging time of the day. I would wake in the morning and plan my day around naptime, how about you? Oh, the things I dreamed I would get done on my list; and you know what they say about best-laid plans. That's right, they often didn't happen when I had three toddlers.

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